Recruiting For Tech at CBS

Given the diverse variety of roles in and sizes of tech companies, the Technology Club both standardizes recruiting efforts and offers specialized guidance so that students can confidently recruit into any tech position in any tech company. As a community driven by the pay-it-forward culture, we run multiple student-led programs to help students succeed in their tech recruiting endeavors at CBS.

Roles that students have recruited into include: Business Operations, Corporate Development, Finance, Marketing / PMM, Product Management, Program / Project Management, and Strategy and Operations. Though the Tech Club helps students recruit for any type of company, students have historically recruited into later-stage companies (Series C or later).



Information Panels

Informational Panels are an opportunity for both 1st and 2nd years looking to recruit into tech to learn from speakers about a variety of topics (e.g. Demystifying Product Management, Web3 overview).

Recruiting 101

In September and October, the Tech Club will host a series of workshops, providing students with the tools and confidence needed to excel at any behavioral interview. These workshops will pose as a primer for the entire tech recruiting process / timeline.


With the introduction of a variety of Tech roles in companies across industries, the Tech Club will host day-in-the-life series to elucidate the career paths available to someone interested in entering the tech industry.

2 | Interviewing

Mentorship Pods

Led by 2nd year students, Mentorship Pods prepare first-years for interviews with tech companies. 1st year students will be placed in a pod that is specialized for their recruiting interests - each pod is customized per role and will cover all facets of the recruiting process, including resume reviews, behavioral/fit prep and technical case interviews.

Live Mocks

Students will have the opportunity to conduct live mock sessions with each other; mocks are often conducted by 2nd years but can also be done by 1st years. These sessions will provide a glimpse as to how a real interview is conducted.

3 | Job Preparation

Beyond recruiting, we continue to support students about to head into their internships by hosting panels with students who have interned at those companies to learn from their experiences and be prepared to hit the ground running.